Unit F, 1 Flacon Drive, Old Stratford, Milton Keynes MK19 9FG
Good news! We are happy to announce our CQC Registration! ( since 14th December 2020)
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the Government’s independent regulator of health and adult social care services.
They register a variety of services and monitor them to ensure that they are meeting the standards that have been set.
There are many benefits to being CQC registered, both for you our customers and us as healthcare provider.
Here at Stemax Consult, we believe that by being CQC registered, we will assure you, and the Government that we are delivering quality care.
The CQC aim to tackle poor care and use feedback from healthcare customers to make their judgements. As our customer you can be assured that practices are inspected regularly and are meeting the standards set.
This is a reflection of the hard work of all our staffs and temporary employees in meeting the high standards we have set for ourselves. To them we say thank you and job well done!